PELLETB is the Police Officer Selection Test Required by Most California Law Enforcement Agencies
What is the PELLETB test?
PELLETB stands for POST Entry Level Law Enforcement Test Battery.
In California, Peace Officer Standards and Training Commission (POST) sets minimum selection and training standards for California law enforcement agencies. PELLETB is the Written Exam portion recommended by the Commission. Other required steps in the hiring process, like the Physical Abilities Test, Psych exam, etc. are in addition to the PELLETB.
is the pelletb hard?
The PELLETB is considered one of the most difficult police entry exams in the U.S. There is a heavy emphasis on English language skills. Unlike other common police written exams, there are no math, memorization or situational judgment questions, but the CLOZE Reading Test (see below) is very challenging for most applicants.
who uses pelletb?
More than 600 California police and sheriff agencies participate in the POST Program and use PELLETB as their written exam.
Here is a very short list of some of them:
California Highway Patrol (CHP)
BART Police Officer Selection Test
Oakland Police Written Exam
Sacramento Police Written Exam
Santa Barbara Police Written Exam
San Jose Police Written Exam
The police departments of San Francisco, San Diego, and Los Angeles are large agencies that have their own exams and DO NOT use the PELLETB.
Find out what test your targeted agency uses by going to PoliceTest.Info - California.
pelletb TEST questions?
There is a heavy emphasis on good English language skills on the PELLETB:
15 questions on Writing Clarity
15 multiple choice Spelling questions
15 multiple choice Vocabulary questions
20 multiple choice questions on Reading Comprehension where the student reads different passages about policy or reports, then answers questions.
Logical Reasoning is challenging
40 questions on a CLOZE Reading Test.
The PELLETB CLOZE Reading Test presents a written passage with words omitted. The number of characters for each missing word is shown in place of the word as a series of dashes. The student must fill in the correct word using his or her knowledge of context, good grammar, spelling and vocabulary. The exam is considered difficult by most applicants because: (1) they have never seen this type of test in school, and (2) there are no answer choices given, as in multiple choice questions.
How Long is the PELLETB?
The PELLETB allows applicants 2 hours to complete 120 questions.
Pelletb Practice test
In order to score higher than the many other men and women applying for these limited positons, it is necessary for applicants to study and take lots of practice questions. There is a free study guide provided by the California POST, but it is simply the baseline from which all applicants will be starting. A good, online, PELLETB prep course is essential to outrank your competition.
There is a short study guide available from the California POST web site that will give you a small taste of what types of questions are on the PELLETB. However, the guide does not offer any real tips or education on how to pass the PELLETB. Serious applicants will study with a top-rated, full-bodied PELLETB prep course.
best PELLETB prep course
Based upon over 1,000 five-star customer reviews tracked by ShopperApproved, the Best PELLETB Prep Course on the market is PELLETB QuikPrep by Sgt. George Godoy. The reasons are clear:
Video Tutorials for all Test Topics
Hundreds of Practice Questions with Extensive Answer Explanations
Sgt. Godoy’s 24/7 Personalized Support
Affordable, One-time Fee, Lifetime Access
Bonus Courses for the Psych exam, Polygraph and Panel Interview
Mobile-friendly and Always Up to Date